Travel by Car
The purpose of a Travel Plan is to try and encourage people to use alternative forms of transport to the private car. We do, however, understand it is not always practical to make journeys by bike, public transport or on foot and so other options to make car journeys greener and more economical are available.
Electric Vehicles
Switching your car for an EV or hybrid is a good way to reduce your emissions if you cannot do without a car. While the price of an EV may be similar to most comparable petrol or diesel cars, the cost of running one is significantly cheaper.
Pure electric cars have zero tailpipe emissions, making them greener, cleaner and better for the environment than any petrol or diesel car currently on the road. When driven in electric mode, plug-in hybrids emit zero tailpipe emissions.
In order to drive in the most environmentally friendly way possible, make sure to keep your plug-in hybrid charged up so that you can carry out the majority of driving in electric mode.
Useful resources

With a car club you only pay for the time you actually use the car. If you’re someone who travels less than 8000 miles a year, joining a car club could save you thousands in motoring costs.

Liftshare helps to connect people travelling in the same direction so they can arrange to travel together, cutting transport costs, helping the environment and easing traffic congestion on the roads.

If you’re a regular car-user but still want to do your bit for the environment, then you may be eligible for a discount on the price of a brand new low-emission vehicle through Government grants made available to car dealerships and manufacturers.

If you need to use a private car on a regular basis but don’t want to get behind the wheel, then Uber might just be the thing for you. A ride-sharing app for reliable transport, you can request a car and be on your way in minutes.

The UK’s leading app and digital platform for EV drivers to search for charge points, plan longer journeys, pay on participating networks and share updates with other EV drivers.